A lot of programmers, and some others
- Jamie Brandon is fantastic, writes on a wide range of (programming) topics, and has an entertaining monthly devlog.
- Julia Evans has some great tutorials and delightful zines. Especially good resources on Linux basics and containerization.
- Karl Seguin mostly writes some great zig stuff
- Bret Victor
- The 100R duo Rek & Devine write about maintainable software. From a boat.
I haven't read all of these, some are want-to-reads
- HTDP (I must admit to not having actually finished the book itself, I got fed up and took Gregor Kiczales' excellent online course)
- A philosophy of software design
- Essentials of compilation
- The Essence of Software
- Eloquent Javascript Is basically the book that got me into programming (completely free online)
- Crafting Interpreters
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs "The Wizard Book"
- s'more as recommended by some person
- Squoosh wonderful wasm image compression
- Tinytools is an assortment of really delightful little projects
- htmlsvg god knows what cursed use-case I had for this, but here it is
- Transform CSS Variables another very strange tool to interpret the values of css variables and convert them into static values
- UNIX Timestamp Generator (taken from the Neocities RSS Guide below)
- Neocities RSS Guide a guide to building an RSS feed for a neocities site - by hand!
- Zig WASM Hello World Baby's first steps compiling zig for a webassembly target.
Setting up a server
- It is recommended to disable login via password
- It is also recommended to disable root login, creating another user with sudo access.
- I take the further step of switching which port I run ssh on. This will not stop someone who is actually attempting to access your server, but your logs will have much less spam.
- Adding CIFS mounts
- Adding UFW rules for said CIFS mounts (probably skip if you're just using Samba) (more help) CIFS is a bad protocol that has improved somewhat. IGNORE all suggestions to use older versions of CIFS, as these are even worse.